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Pozitia privilegiata a hotelului, deschiderea spre mare sau spre lac care te imbie sa urmaresti un spectaculos rasarit al soarelui din Marea Neagra sau magnificul apus al acestuia in apele lacului Siutghiol, adierea continua a brizelor, precum si ambianta de relaxare si confort, sunt doar cateva elemente care fac din Hotelul IAKI o locatie speciala.

IMPORTANT: Camerele vor fi rezervate pentru dvs. până la ora 18:00 în ziua sosirii, cu excepția cazului în care se convine altfel cu Departamentele noastre de recepție sau de rezervare. Prin urmare, hotelul are dreptul să elibereze camera rezervată după ora 18:00 dacă oaspetele nu a sosit la acel moment./


IMPORTANT: Rooms will be reserved for you until 18:00 on the day of arrival, unless a later arrival time
has been agreed with our Reception or Reservation Departments. The hotel therefore has the right to
release the reserved room after 18:00 if the guest has not arrived by that time.

The privileged position of the hotel, the opening to the sea or to the lake that invites you to watch a spectacular sunrise from the Black Sea or its magnificent sunset in the waters of Lake Siutghiol, the continuous breeze and the ambiance of relaxation and comfort are just a few elements that make IAKI Hotel a special place.

Descriere camere:
RO: Dotari camere: baie cu dus sau cada. Supliment vedere la mare se achita separat. Suplimentul este « la cerere », deci se confirma doar in urma confirmarii primite din partea Prestatorului.

Număr total camere: 122
Duble: 84 - dintre care 62 camere standard- (pat matrimonial sau cu paturi separate), o parte din camere au vedere spre mare; 20 camere superior cu paturi separate (se pot uni sau desparti), dispun de balcon, dormitor, hol mic cu fotolii si masuta (in prelungirea dormitorului), canapea extensibila, au vedere spre mare sau spre lac si 2 camere duble executive cu paturi separate (se pot uni sau desparti), canapea extensibila, terasa cu vedere frontala la mare.

Apartamente: 38 - dintre care 24 apartamente standard cu paturi separate (se pot uni sau desparti), living cu canapea extensibila, au vedere spre mare sau spre lac; 6 apartamente superior dispun de dormitor cu pat matrimonial, living cu canapea extensibila, hol, au vedere spre lac; 5 apartamente executive cu pat matrimonial, canapea extensibila, terasa cu vedere frontala la mare si 2 apartamente prezidentiale- dispun de 2 dormitoare (unul cu paturi separate; unul cu pat matrimonial), living, 2 bai, vedere spre mare.

EN: Room facilities: bathroom with shower or tub. Sea view supplement is paid separately. The supplement is "on request", so it is confirmed only after the confirmation received from the Provider.

Total number of rooms: 122
Double rooms: 84 - of which 62 standard rooms (double bed or twin beds), a part of them have sea view; 20 superior rooms with separate beds (can be joined or separated), they have a balcony, a bedroom, a small hall with armchairs and a table (as an extension of the bedroom), a sofa bed, sea or lake view and 2 executive double rooms with twin beds (can be joined or separated), a sofa bed, terrace with front sea view.

Apartments: 38 - of which 24 standard apartments with twin beds (can be joined or separated), living room with a sofa bed, overlooking the sea or the lake; 6 superior apartments having a bedroom with double bed, living room with sofa bed, a hall, overlooking the lake; 5 executive apartments with double bed, a sofa bed, terrace with front sea view and 2 presidential apartments - having 2 bedrooms (one with twin beds; one with a double bed), a living room, 2 bathrooms, sea view.

Descriere facilitati:
Dotari generale: restaurant, parcare proprie -exterioara (gratuita) pentru 60 de masini si garaj subteran-35 locuri (contra cost), piano-bar (50 locuri).

Fitness/Wellness/Sport: piscina in aer liber, piscina acoperita -semi-olimpica (21m lungime, adancime 1,30 / 1,40 m - 2,10 / 2,20 m), SPA -Center IAKI, teren sport mixt -fotbal si tenis, sala fitness, sala de aerobic, jacuzzi, sali de masaj, sauna uscata si umeda.
Acces Spa Center pentru clientii hotelului: 75.00 Lei/ zi/ adult si 54.00 Lei/ zi/ copil (6 - 13 ani neimpliniti). Copiii 3-6 ani neimpliniti beneficiaza de gratuitate. Accesul la Iaki Spa este inclus doar pentru oaspetii care au achizitionat pensiune completa.

Ca in fiecare an, oaspetii hotelului beneficiaza de gratuitate la piscina exterioara si plaja privata, la sezlonguri si umbrele.

* La orice serviciu solicitat suplimentar fata de pachetele din oferta, se va adauga comisionul agentiei.
Informatii obligatorii ce trebuie transmise turistilor

1. Ora de incepere a zilei hoteliere, ora de check-in este 16:00. In ziua plecarii, ora de eliberare/ check-out este 12.00.
-Tarifele pentru late check out sunt:
-intre orele 12.00-15.00 –30% din valoarea cazarii
-intre orele 15.00-18.00 –50% din valoarea cazarii
-dupa orele 18.00-100% din valoarea cazarii
Sunt fara acoperire si numai pe raspunderea Agentiei de turism acele promisiuni facute clientilor privind posibilitatea de preluare a camerei mai devreme de ora 16.00 sau eliberarea mai tarziu de ora 12.00 sau promisiunea de camere alaturate, sau pe un anumit etaj/ corp al hotelului.
2.Fiecare oaspete are obligatia la check in de a prezenta receptionerului actul de identitate (carte de identitate sau pasaport valabil). Fiecare persoana adulta trebuie sa se legitimeze. Nu este suficient un act de identitate pentru o camera dubla. Hotelul isi rezerva dreptul de a nu caza oaspetii fara acte identitate.
Numele care figureaza pe voucher agentie trebuie sa coincida cu numele oaspetilor prezenti la check-in.
3. Oaspetii au accesul gratuit la plaja privata a hotelului. Sezlongurile de pe plaja nu se rezerva ci se ocupa in ordinea sosirii pe plaja a oaspetilor. Prosoapele pentru plaja/ piscina se acorda in schimbul unui card special, primit de la Receptia Hotelului in momentul cazarii si se returneaza in ziua plecarii.
In cazul in care oaspetele nu returneaza cardul in ziua check-outului, va achita o taxa de 100 lei/card.
4. Parcarea gratuita a autoturismelor persoanelor cazate in hotel se poate face in spatiile amenajate in fata hotelului, in limita disponibilitatii.Nu pot fi rezervate locuri de parcare de catre personalul hotelului. La iesirea din parcarea hotelului, oricand pe durata sejurului, LOCUL DE PARCARE NU POATE FI RETINUT, LA INTOARCERE ACCESUL FIIND POSIBIL NUMAI DACA MAI SUNT LOCURI INCA LIBERE. Hotelul dispune si de un garaj subteran monitorizat, unde accesul autoturismului este contracost (12 eur/ zi), pe baza de rezervare prealabila in functie de disponibilitate. Pentru a evita blocajele din parcare oaspetii sunt rugati sa lase numarul masinii si numarul de telefon la receptie.
5. Cerintele de upgrade de tip de camera sau vedere la mare se discuta cu Departamentul Rezervari inainte de a se caza, nu in ziua de check-in la receptie. Aceste modificari se pot efectua conform politicii tarifare, contracost si in functie de disponibilitate.
6. Accesul la Centrul Spa este inclus in tarif pentru cei care au achizitionat pensiune completa. In caz contrar accesul este contracost 75 lei/ persoana/zi.
7. In perioada 01-15.07.2022 CENTRUL IAKI SPA va fi inchis pentru lucrarile de mentenanta anuala. Sunt disponibile serviciile de masaj si terapiile pe piscina exterioara.
8. Oaspetii sunt obligati sa prezinte la check-in un card de credit valid pentru garantare, hotelul isi rezerva dreptul de a preautoriza suma aferenta cazarii sau minibarului (500 lei).
9.NU ESTE PERMIS in interiorul hotelului accesul cu animale de companie!
10. Fumatul NU ESTE PERMIS in interiorul hotelului cu exceptia spatiilor special amenajate: terasa (taxa penalizare fumat in camera 100 euro/zi).
11. Hotelul accepta la plata urmatoarele carti de credit: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Eurocard.
12. Din motive comerciale si sanitare, categoric nu se admite introducerea in incinta hotelului si depozitarea in camera sau pe balcoane a produselor alimentare si bauturilor aduse din exterior. Utilizarea echipamentelor de gatit/ incalzit in camerele de hotel este strict interzisa. Hotelul isi rezerva dreptul de a evacua din hotel persoanele care aduc si utilizeaza astfel de echipamente.
13. In camere nu exista frigidere casnice, ci numai mici racitoare hoteliere, tip minibar, destinate exclusiv pastrarii bauturilor miniaturale, specifice acestui tip de serviciu. Racitoarele minibar nu sunt in masura sa pastreze alimente, cu atat mai mult nu pot asigura pastrarea alimentelor pentru sugari si copii mici. Folosirea racitorului in alte scopuri decat cel de minibar implica o taxa de 10 euro/zi/camera.
14. Hotelul dispune in fiecare camera de casete de valori cu introducere de cod personal. Oaspetii sunt rugati sa depuna valorile pe care le au cu ei in aceste casete. Administratia hotelului nu raspunde de obiectele sau valorile uitate, pierdute, nesupravegheate sau neprotejate, oriunde s-ar produce disparitia acestora, in incinta hotelului sau perimetrul exterior proprietatii.
15. Regimul demipensiune este format din mic dejun si pranz/ cina. Oaspetii trebuie sa isi aleaga tipul mesei de la momentul rezervarii.
Micul dejun şi prânzul se servesc începând cu a doua zi de cazare şi inclusiv în ziua plecării. În prima zi se intră cu cina, doar in cazul achizitionarii pensiunii complete sau demipensiunii cu cina.
Serviciile de masa platite in avans, mic dejun, pranz sau cina se servesc in regim bufet in cazul in care se asigura numarul de minim 30 persoane, in caz contrar va fi disponibil un serviciu set menu.
Pentru accesul la pranz/ cina este obligatorie purtarea bratarii inmanata la receptie la momentul cazarii;
Demipensiunea/ pensiunea completa se serveste in interiorul celor doua restaurante (Ballroom sau Coriolis), terasa restaurantului este destinata doar oaspetilor a la carte.
16. Pe durata sejurului, la mesele bufet, inclusiv la micul dejun, nu este permisa parasirea spatiilor alocate servirii mesei cu bauturi sau produse alimentare. Pentru cazurile exceptionale medicale, oaspetii se vor se adresa sefului de sala.
17. Administratia hotelului nu isi asuma responsabilitatea pentru copiii lasati nesupravegheati in spatiile din incinta hotelului, plaja, piscina sau perimetrul exterior al proprietatii.
18. Daca durata sejurului se scurteaza din motive independente de hotel, hotelul nu are obligatia a de a restitui contravaloarea noptilor neconsumate.
19. Daca sunt persoane care perturba linistea celorlalti oaspeti in camerele de hotel sau spatiile comune, hotelul isi rezerva dreptul de a evacua oaspetii respectivi.
20. Recomandăm decență și respect atât față de ceilalți oaspeți, cât și față de personal. Nu vor fi
acceptate în restaurant, lifturi și recepția hotelului persoanele îmbrăcate necorespunzator.

Spa Etiquette
Oaspetii cazati in hotel, ce au acest serviciu inclus in pachetul de servicii achizitionat, pot accesa gratuit centrul de relaxare o data pe zi, in acel moment primind de la Receptia Spa un prosop si papuci destinati folosirii piscinei.
Programarea-Pentru o mai buna desfasurare a activitatii, procedurile solicitate de oaspeti necesita programare. Programarea se face in avans la Receptia Spa, in functie de disponibilitate. Este necesara mentiunea preferintelor oaspetilor. Ce tip de terapeut se doreste: femeie/ barbat. Confortul oaspetilor este cel mai important lucru pentru noi.
Probleme medicale-Oaspetele necesita o consultatie medicala, inainte de efectuarea procedurilor, recomandam sa se comunice maseurului orice afectiune medicala.
Copii-Accesul copiilor la piscina se va face doar sub supravegherea unui adult, iar la sala de fitness accesul acestora este permis dupa varsta de 17 ani.
Folosirea piscinei si a saunelor.Pentru a asigura un mediu curat si igienic, se va folosi dusul inainte de accesarea saunei si a piscinei. Se va purta casca de protectie in apa piscinei. Este interzis accesul in piscina persoanelor cu plagi deschise, dermatite sau alte boli transmisibile. Centrul isi rezerva dreptul de a refuza accesul in piscina persoanelor care prezinta afectiuni ale pielii.
Obiecte pierdute- Iaki Spa nu este raspunzator pentru pierderea obiectelor personale, de aceea sugeram ca obiectele de valoare sa nu fie lasate nesupravegheate.
Plata serviciilor- serviciile efectuate la Spa se achita la inceputul efectuarii lor la Receptia Spa sau se pot incasa impreuna cu serviciile hoteliere.
Folosirea echipamentelor - pentru a evita unele neplaceri, va rugam sa respectati instructiunile de folosire afisate si recomandarile personalului Iaki Spa.

EN: Facility description
General facilities: restaurant, private parking - outdoor (free of charge) for 60 cars and underground garage - 35 places (with extra charge), children playground, boutique, piano bar (50 seats).

Fitness / Wellness / Sports: outdoor swimming pool, indoor swimming pool -semi-Olympic (21m length, depth 1.30 / 1.40 m - 2.10 / 2.20 m), SPA -IAKI Center, mixed sports field - football and tennis, fitness room, aerobics room, Jacuzzi, massage rooms, dry and wet sauna.
SPA Center access for hotel clients: 69.00 Lei / day / adult and 49.00 Lei / day / child (3 - 12 years old). Access to Iaki Spa is only included for guests who booked full board.

As every year, hotel guests enjoy free of charge the outdoor pool and private beach, sunbeds and umbrellas.

* For any service requested in addition to the packages in the offer, the agency commission will be added.
1. Check-in time is 16:00. Check-out time is 12.00.
- The rates for late check out are:
- between 12.00 h and 15.00 h - 30% of the accommodation value
- between 15.00 h - 18.00 h - 50% of the value of the accommodation
- after 18.00 h, 100% of the accommodation value.

The promises made by the travel agency to the clients regarding the possibility of checking-in earlier than 16.00 or checking-out later than 12.00 or the promise of ad joining rooms or on a certain floor / building of the hotel are without coverage and are the sole responsibility of the Travel Agency.
Each guest has the obligation at check-in to present to the receptionist the identity document (identity card or a valid passport). Every adult must identify himself. Only one identity card is not enough for a double room. The hotel reserves the right not to accommodate guests who cannot present identity documents.
The name on the agency voucher must match the name of the guests present at check-in.
3. Guests have free access to the hotel's private beach. The sunbeds on the beach cannot be reserved and will be occupied in the order of arrival at the beach of the guests. Beach / pool towels are granted in exchange for a special card purchased at the Reception, based on a guarantee deposit amount (100 lei / towel).
4. Free parking of the hotel guests’ cars is done in the spaces arranged in front of the hotel, based on availability. The hotel also has an underground monitored garage, where the car access is against a fee (12 eur / day), based on a prior reservation, depending on availability. To avoid parking jams, guests are kindly requested to leave their car number and telephone number at the reception.
5. Room type or sea view upgrade requests are to be discussed with the Reservations Department prior to check-in, not on the day of check-in, at reception. These changes can be made according to the tariff policy, for a fee and depending on availability.
6. Access to the Spa Center is included in the rate for the guests who have booked full board. Otherwise, the access is for a fee of 75 lei / person / day.
7. Guests are required to present at check-in a valid credit card for the guarantee; the hotel reserves the right to pre-authorize the amount of accommodation or minibar (500 lei).
Pets are NOT allowed inside the hotel!
8. Smoking is NOT ALLOWED inside the hotel except for the specially arranged spaces: terrace (smoking penalty fee in the room 100 euro / day).
9. The hotel accepts the following credit cards for payment: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Eurocard.
10. For commercial and sanitary reasons, it is definitely not allowed to introduce inside the hotel and store in the room or on the balconies the food and drinks brought from outside. The use of cooking / heating equipment in hotel rooms is strictly forbidden. The hotel reserves the right to evacuate from the hotel the persons who bring and use such equipment.
11. In the rooms there are no household refrigerators, but only small hotel coolers, minibar type, intended exclusively for storing miniature drinks, specific to this type of service. Minibar coolers are not able to store food, regardless if it is for adults, infants or young children.
Using the cooler for purposes other than the minibar involves a fee of 10 euros / day / room.
12. Each hotel room has a safety box with a private access code. Guests are asked to leave their values they have with them in these boxes. The hotel administration is not responsible for forgotten, lost, unsupervised or unprotected objects or values, wherever their disappearance occurs, inside or outside the hotel property.
13. Half board consists of breakfast and lunch / dinner. Guests must choose the meal type from the time of booking.
Breakfast and lunch are served starting the day after check-in and until the day of departure (included). For full board or half-board with dinner basis, first dinner is on check-in day.
Meal services paid in advance, breakfast, lunch or dinner are served in buffet style at minimum 30 people, otherwise a set menu service will be provided.
For access to lunch / dinner, it is mandatory to wear the bracelet handed by the reception at the time of check-in;
Half board / full board is served inside the two restaurants (Ballroom or Coriolis), the terrace of the restaurant is reserved for a la carte meals.
14. During the stay, at the buffet meals, including breakfast, it is not allowed to leave the spaces allocated for serving meals with drinks or food. For exceptional medical cases, guests should contact the restaurant superviser.
15. The hotel administration does not assume responsibility for children left unattended in the spaces inside the hotel, the beach, the swimming pool or the outer perimeter of the property.
16. If the length of stay is shortened for reasons independent of the hotel, the hotel has no obligation to refund the value of the unused services.
17. If there are people who disturb the peace of the other guests in the hotel rooms or common areas, the hotel reserves the right to evacuate the respective guests.
18. We recommend decency and respect for both other guests and staff. Improperly dressed people will not be accepted in the restaurant, elevators and hotel reception.

SPA Etiquette
Guests staying in the hotel, who have this service included in the package of services they’ve booked, can access the relaxation center for free once a day, and at that time they will receive the SPA Reception a towel and slippers for pool use.
Scheduling - For a better experience, the procedures requested by the guests require scheduling. The appointment is made in advance at the Spa Reception, depending on availability. It is necessary to mention the guests' preferences. What type of therapist is wanted: woman/man. Guest comfort is the most important thing for us.
Medical problems - The guest needs a medical consultation, before the procedures; we recommend that the masseur is notified of any medical condition.
Children - Children's access to the pool will be made only under the supervision of an adult, and their access to the gym is allowed after the age of 17.
Use of swimming pool and saunas. To ensure a clean and hygienic environment, use the shower before accessing the sauna and pool. Wear a safety helmet in the pool. It is forbidden to enter the pool for people with open wounds, dermatitis or other contagious diseases. The center reserves the right to deny access to the pool to people with skin conditions.
Lost Property - Iaki Spa is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings, so we suggest that valuables not be left unattended.
Payment for services - The services performed at the Spa are paid in advance at the Spa Reception or can be collected together with the hotel services.
Use of the equipment - To avoid any inconvenience, please follow the displayed instructions for use and the recommendations of the Iaki Spa staff.

Services and facilities
Services: dry cleaning and laundry, optional airport transfer, optional excursions on the seaside.

IAKI Spa Center is a real Center for recovery and relaxation, recently modernized, that offers you a unique experience. Relaxation facilities are: indoor pool, Jacuzzi, fitness room, aerobics room, two dry saunas, a wet sauna, aqua gym, aerobics room, emotional shower, cervical shower, spinning, massage (relaxation massage, anti-cellulite massage, sports massage, relaxation at 4 hands, relaxation for couples, relaxation with volcanic stones, Relax Candle massage, Wine Pinda massage, Reflexology, facial massage, Vichy shower therapy, hydro-massage therapy, scalp massage, back massage).

Beach / pool towels are granted in exchange for a special card purchased at the reception, based on a guarantee deposit (100 lei / towel).

Guests are required to present at check-in a valid credit card for the guarantee; the hotel reserves the right to pre-authorize the amount of accommodation or minibar (500 lei). The guarantee can also be made in cash, by setting up a deposit at the reception.

RO: Hotelul este situat la 20 de metri de plaja. Plaja: larga, nisipoasa, cu intrare lina in mare.

EN: The hotel is located 20 m from the beach. The beach is large, sandy, with smooth entry into the water.

Servicii masa:
RO: se acorda in cadrul Restaurantului Iaki, categoria 4 stele, micul dejun in sistem bufet suedez, pranzul si cina in sistem bufet suedez (minim 30 de persoane inscrise) sau sistem serviciu la farfurie.
Valoarea mesei cuprinse in catalog este:
Mic dejun = 60.00 Lei/ zi/ persoana
Pranz = 90.00 Lei/ zi/ persoana
Cina = 100.00 Lei/ zi/ persoana.
Turistii care achizitioneaza pensiune completa, beneficiaza de acces gratuit la Spa Center.

Pentru accesul la pranz/cina este obligatorie purtearea bratarii inmanate la receptie la momentul cazarii.
Demipensiunea/pensiunea completa se serveste in interiorul celor doua restaurante, terasa restaurantului este destinata doar clientilor a la carte.

EN: Meals are served at Iaki Restaurant, 4*; breakfast is Swedish buffet, lunch and dinner either Swedish buffet (for minimum 30 persons) or set menu.
The value of the meals included in the catalogue is:
Breakfast = 60.00 Lei / day / person
Lunch = 90.00 Lei / day / person
Dinner = 100.00 Lei / day / person.
Tourists on full board have free access to the SPA Center.

For lunch / dinner access, it is mandatory to wear the bracelet handed to you by the Reception at the time of accommodation.
Half board / full board is served inside the two restaurants; the restaurant terrace is only serving a la carte customers.

Facilitati copii:
RO: (in camera cu 2 adulti):
-copiii intre 0 - 3 ani neimpliniti: gratuitate la cazare si mese (mic dejun sau mic dejun si pranz);
-copiii intre 3 - 12 ani neimpliniti: gratuitate la cazare cu mic dejun si 50% discount din pranz/cina;
-a 3-a si a 4-a persoana peste 12 ani (a 4-a persoana doar in camere duble superioare sau apartamente): 50 % reducere dintr-un loc (doar cazare), dar achita pensiunea conform perioadei respective (mic dejun si dejun/cina).
In camera dubla standard se accepta maxim 2 adulti si 1 copil de 4 ani, fara pat suplimentar. In camera dubla superior se accepta maxim 3 adulti si un copil cu varsta de 5 ani , fara pat suplimentar.

EN: Chidren facilities (sharing the room with 2 adults):
-children between 0 - 3 years old: free accommodation and meals (breakfast or breakfast and lunch);
-children between 3 and 12 years old: free accommodation with breakfast and 50% discount for lunch / dinner;
-3rd and 4th person over 12 years old (4th person only in superior double rooms or apartments): 50% discount from the adult rate (accommodation only), paying full amount for the meals, according to the respective period (breakfast and lunch / dinner).
The standard double room can accommodate a maximum of 2 adults and 1 child of up to 4 years old, without an extra bed. The superior double room can accommodate a maximum of 3 adults and a child aged of up to 5 years old, without an extra bed.

Facilitati evenimente:
RO: Sali de conferinta: 4 - (cu acces la internet): Sala BUCURESTI – cap.50 locuri; Sala ROMA – cap. 50 locuri ; Sala MADRID – cap.100 locuri; Sala VIENA – cap.200 locuri . Prin unirea salilor ROMA, MADRID, VIENA rezulta o sala cu o capacitate de 350 - 400 locuri.

EN: Event facilities. Conference rooms: 4 - (with internet access): BUCHAREST Hall - 50 seat capacity; ROME Hall - 50 seat capacity; MADRID Hall - 100 seat capacity; VIENNA Hall - 200 seat capacity. ROME, MADRID and VIENNA halls can be united, resulting a hall with a capacity of 350 - 400 seats.

Va rugam sa alegeti o data de CheckIn si CheckOut pentru a vedea preturile.